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IInputManager Class Reference

The input manager class, provides fundamental functionality for work in all fields on this library. More...

#include <ceInputCore.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual short SetInputDriver (const EInputDriver driver=InputDriver_Null)=0
 Set a new driver for all devices.
virtual EInputDriver GetDriverType (void)=0
 Retrieves the current driver type.
virtual IInputDeviceGetInputDevice (const EInputDevice device)=0
 Retrieves the device base class from any device.
virtual void Update (void)=0
 Update the status of all devices.
virtual IKeyboardDeviceGetKeyboardDevice (void)=0
 Retrieves the keyboard manager.
virtual void UpdateKeyboar (void)=0
 Update the status of the keyboard device.
virtual IMouseDeviceGetMouseDevice (void)=0
 Retrieves the mouse manager.
virtual void UpdateMouse (void)=0
 Update the status of the mouse device.
virtual IJoystickDeviceGetJoystickDevice (void)=0
 Retrieves the joystick manager.
virtual void UpdateJoystick (void)=0
 Update the status of the joystick device.

Detailed Description

The input manager class, provides fundamental functionality for work in all fields on this library.

Member Function Documentation

virtual short SetInputDriver ( const EInputDriver  driver = InputDriver_Null  )  [pure virtual]

Set a new driver for all devices.

driver New driver to change.
See also:
virtual EInputDriver GetDriverType ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Retrieves the current driver type.

The current driver type.
See also:
virtual IInputDevice* GetInputDevice ( const EInputDevice  device  )  [pure virtual]

Retrieves the device base class from any device.

The device base class.
virtual void Update ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Update the status of all devices.

virtual IKeyboardDevice* GetKeyboardDevice ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Retrieves the keyboard manager.

A IKeyboardDevice pointer, that is the keyboard manager.
See also:
GetMouseDevice, GetJoystickDevice, GetInputDevice
virtual void UpdateKeyboar ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Update the status of the keyboard device.

virtual IMouseDevice* GetMouseDevice ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Retrieves the mouse manager.

A IMouseDevice pointer, that is the mouse manager.
See also:
GetKeyboardDevice, GetJoystickDevice, GetInputDevice
virtual void UpdateMouse ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Update the status of the mouse device.

virtual IJoystickDevice* GetJoystickDevice ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Retrieves the joystick manager.

A IJoystickDevice pointer, that is the joystick manager.
See also:
GetKeyboardDevice, GetMouseDevice, GetInputDevice
virtual void UpdateJoystick ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Update the status of the joystick device.

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